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Pre-Course Training Resources

Evidence of Identity [EOI]

EOI Requirements
Please refer to the 2 different types of forms below for specific evidence of identity (EOI) requirements.

Evidence of
Identity Form

White Card

Evidence of
Identity Form

Traffic Control Work

100 Points of ID

What constitutes 100 points of ID. Refer to the below picture which outlines the specific requirements.  You can only use one primary document and as many secondary documents to meet the 100 points of ID.
100 Points of ID.jpg

Photo ID requirements for Australian students

ALL Australian participants will need to have a current Australian state / territory proof of age or photocard, even if they are still attending school.

Photo ID requirements for foreign students


Foreigner participants, overseas holiday workers and migrants who have recently immigrated to Australia who do not currently have an Australian issued driving licence, will need to have a current Australian state / territory proof of age or photocard.


Current Australian photo ID is necessary to meet the entrance requirements set by SWNSW [refer to the below snapshots from the EOI requirements.  Just having a current foreign passport with photo ID and bank cards etc, does not meet the specified requirements.



The applicant is required to show the RTO delegate original EOI documents that add up to at least 100 points. Within these documents the applicant must be able to show a photo, date of birth (minimum age 14 years), signature and current residential address. It is the RTO’s responsibility to ensure that the relevant sections of the EOI form are complete, and to verify the EOI documentation provided.



The applicant is required to show the RTO delegate original EOI documents that add up to at least 100
points. Within these documents the applicant must be able to show a photo, date of birth (minimum
age 17 years), signature and current residential address
. It is the RTO’s responsibility to ensure that
the relevant sections of the EOI form are complete, and to verify the EOI documentation provided.

Photo ID requirements

Unique Student Identifier (USI)


All students/learners/participants are required to provide a valid USI on day 1 of their scheduled training. An official statement of attainment cannot be issued without a valid USI number.


Find your USI by clicking on this link


If you don't have a USI you can create one by clicking on the below link

For more information about any of our current courses, you can read and download the course information sheets from any of the below links.


White Card Course Information Sheet
Course Code: CPCWHS1001 - Valid for work in: Australia (All States)
Prepare to work safely in the construction industry nationally approved.


Traffic Controller Information Sheet
Valid for work in: NSW Australia
Control traffic with a stop-slow bat & portable traffic signals.


Traffic Management Implementer Skill Set Information Sheet
Course Code: RIISS00055 - Valid for work in: NSW Australia
Setup traffic guidance schemes & traffic control plans on worksites.


Traffic Management Designer Skill Set PWZTMP Information Sheet
Course Code: RIISS00056 - Valid for work in: NSW Australia
Develop and prepare work zone traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes.


Health & Safety Representative Information Sheet
 Valid for work in: Australia (All States)
WorkSafe approved training for nominated health & safety representatives.


Recognition of Prior Learning & Credit Transfers
For workers with recent (within 3-4 years) traffic control industry experience. Valid for work in: NSW Australia
RPL requirements and eligibility for credit transfers.
Covid Resources

COVID-19 Business Resources.

For more information about any of our COVID-19 business resources, click on any of the boxes below.

Additional COVID check in resources can be found by clicking on the documents below.

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